Logging In Via Twitch
To help us identify our Followers and Subscribers and make our stream widgets and on and off-stream rewards work, we use log in via Twitch. This gives us limited public information about your Twitch account, like your Twitch User ID, username and whether or not you follow/subscribe to Shambling Incompetence.
We do NOT get access to your Twitch password!
Our Privacy Policy
If you choose to contact us and use the Shambling Incompetence website (this site that you're currently using), any personal (protected) data you choose to specifically share with us, will NOT be shared with anyone else for any reason unless we're legally compelled to do so (so if you're a secret horse thief... maybe keep that information to yourself, is what we're saying there...)
Oh and by 'us' we mean Shambo and Kat. This includes email or physical addresses, your real name etc, shared for the purposes of sending your any prizes you might win taking part in events or claiming subscriber rewards on Twitch or here on the website.
Other non-personal data may be used in limited and specific ways only by our team to provide you with stuff like badges, channel and website rewards. Please see the sections below on this page for details of what sort of data we collect and the ways in which we use both public data which you have provided to Twitch as well as the data we collect and generate as part of the Shambling Incompetence website/stream services and function.
What Data We Collect
Because our website does have a log in feature associated with your Twitch account, each person who uses that feature will have session cookies stored by their web browser to say that they have logged in and some pages will additionally note which item/page you last looked at. For example, if you play a Lemon Game on the site or view a clip, your browser will remember the previous one you viewed when you select a new one for that session only. These cookies expire within a few hours of you logging in unless you opt to clear your browser cookies in your web browser's settings sooner.
Each person that does log in/interact with certain features of our Twitch channel, will have a membership account created. We use this to store data about particular public interactions visitors make with the website and with the channel. For example, if you take part in a contest, we will store data on your contest entries, if you redeem website and channel rewards, we will store information about that redemption so we can process your request and track relevant information like how many of our reward credits you've spent on a specific reward, we track which colour scheme/theme you've selected on the website etc. We keep records of all financial contributions such as subscriptions, cheering bits and so on. We also keep a record of items you submit to the website such Jokes for the break slide, 'You Laugh, You Lose' links, clips of Shambo's streams, 'Move House' reward photos etc.
All of the above is associated with your Twitch identity only within our database. The only private information we store about our visitors are email addresses IF you choose to register an email address with us for the purposes of being sent a competition prize (such as an Amazon voucher - although sadly we haven't been in a position to give out one of those in a long time now) and your birth day and month IF you wish to opt in to our birthday rewards (see below). Any other personal information you choose to share with us is NOT recorded in our database, nor is it publicly viewable on this site or on our Twitch channel.
How We Use Information We Collect
Primarily we use the information we collect to provide rewards and other similar features to our visitors and for the purposes of building our community; specific examples are described below. If you would prefer to opt out from having this collected data publicly associated with your Twitch username, we recommend you enable Privacy Mode in your website Settings
If you choose to register your birthday with us (on the Settings Page), it will be used to unlock the birthday video slide reward for us to run for you on Stream on your birthday (if you're in chat on that day). Naturally as it's a video slide, others in chat will find out it's your birthday! If that does not sound like your cup of tea, simply avoid registering your birthday! If you've already done that but would like to opt out let us know via email or Discord or in Twitch chat or via Twitch whisper and we will remove that data and disable that option for you.
The specific total amount you have contributed to Shambling Incompetence via bits, gift subs, donations etc will not be shared with anyone else unless we're legally obliged to do so (a tax audit for example). These contributions are tracked by us both for financial record keeping, but also so that you are granted an appropriate amount of our website reward credits. Your contributions will, however earn you our website badges and as such an approximate indication of your contributions may be briefly displayed on the front page for other visitors to see if you earn a particular level badge.
For example: if you donated £5 website visitors may see Stranger earned the "Helper badge" listed on the front page IF it is one of the most recently earned badges site-wide and you do NOT have Privacy Mode enabled
If you take part in things like 'You Laugh, You Lose', our Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled races or our Lemon League, your Twitch identity will be shown on stream/this website with the results.
A number of our website/channel rewards require us to keep track of who has requested what, and typically we will display that person's Twitch username on any reference pages here on the website. For example; if you redeem a Pokemon overlay, we will show on the Previous overlays page who requested each Pokemon, if you reserve a command, we'll note on the Rewards page who reserved which one, if someone requests a game for Shambo to stream, the on-stream Ticker will show who requested it. Turning ON Privacy Mode will allow you to opt out of this data being publicly visible.
This is a fancy way of referring to things like crediting you for the jokes you submit to the break slide, the clips you create of the channel, the \'Move House\' photos you submit etc. For such items we will show your Twitch identity as being associated with that content on the relevant platform. For example, a joke you submit will say Submitted by Stranger on the break slide when it comes up. A 'Move House' photo will show your Twitch name in the Move House catalog. Again, turning ON Privacy Mode will allow you to opt out of this data being publicly visible, although please be aware that this may make some of our contest features unavailable.
Like the jokes and photos, we will credit clips you've made to your Twitch username if you have Privacy Mode OFF, however since Twitch clips are the recordings of Shambo's streams, in copyright terms, those to belong to us regardless of who clipped them, and as such we reserve the right to continue to use those as we see fit. If you opt to delete your Twitch account we reserve the right to credit creation of those clips to ourselves for the purposes of displaying them on the website or using them on our Twitch channel.

It is important to note that anyone who does make clips of the channel and who does NOT have Privacy Mode ON at the start of a specific calendar month will have their clips considered for our monthly Youtube Clip Contest video. If your clip is selected, your Twitch username will be displayed in the video and will be publicly viewable so long as the video remains online
As noted above, in the website settings, when logged in, you will find the option to enable/disable privacy mode.
When enabled this does NOT remove stored data relating to your Twitch identity and your activity on Shambling Incompetence, however it does remove most of it from public view. Please visit the link below for full details and to update your Privacy Mode settings